Family Concert
The Southern Highlands says ‘thanks’ to the
Angels in Our Town
A 'Thank You' Family Concert will be held on 8 December 2024 at 5.00 pm at Mittagong RSL, tto celebrate and thank our first responders, front line workers service organisations and volunteers, our Angels.
“How much ‘giving’ does it take to hold up a community?
It is important for us to give thanks and make visible these members of our community.
It is important for them to be seen and counted.”
Participants in the Angels in Our Town Parade to date include:
Fire brigade members and fire truck
Police-on foot
Police car
Mounted Police
State Emergency Services and SES truck
Rural Fire Services and fire truck
Red Cross
Lions Club
Country Womens Association
OZ Harvest
Medical Workers
Volunteers-small groups and individuals and more.....
If we haven’t yet contacted you we are trying to!
PLEASE click on the button below and join the parade.
Listen to our song!
Angels in Our Town
By Julie Haseler Reilly
Well Yasmine, she is a doctor
And Tarak, he’s a nurse
They worked so hard to keep us well Though out that covid curse.
The Para medic teams
That come to our rescue
Deserve a little Christmas
For all the things they do...
There are angels in our town There are angels in our town
We give them thanks at Christmas
They keep us safe and sound
There are angels in our town
There are angels in our town
Just take a look and you will see
They’re walking all around.
Angels in Our Town
Is supported by Wingecarribee Shire Council and the Southern Highlands Community Foundation.
Phone: 0410 543 664​
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